
Hello world

Samuel's profile pictureSamuel · · 1 min read

New blog! In the grand blogging tradition, I have of course over-engineered this to hell and back - this is federated using the AT Protocol and whtwnd. Blog records are stored on my PDS and rendered via a custom Next.js frontend.

Honestly, there are worse ways to make a blog. So long as my PDS is around (and I'm on a Bluesky one currently, so chances are good) my data isn't going anywhere.

I'm planning on writing up some of the more interesting stuff I've been up to at Bluesky - lots of pushing React Native to the limit! And hopefully as a space for more longform writing, which I've not really done before.

Hold on, lemme check images work:


Yep. Phew.

Anyway, that's all. See you on the skyline!